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Lynda.com - Revit 2017 Essential Training For Architecture
Buy Cheap Lynda.com - Revit 2017 Essential Training For Architecture

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Operating Systems: WindowsMac
Languages: English
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Learn the basics of using Revit 2017 for architectural design. This course is designed for students who have no prior Revit experience and want to work in imperial units (inches and feet). It is a beginner's course that approaches Revit from the ground up. Fundamentals and good work habits are emphasized every step of the way.

First, get comfortable with the Revit environment, and learn to set up a project and add the grids, levels, and dimensions that will anchor your design. Then author Paul F. Aubin helps you dive into modeling: adding walls, doors, and windows; using joins and constraints; creating and mirroring groups; linking to external assets and DWG files; and modeling floors, roofs, and ceilings.

Paul also shows advanced techniques for modeling stairs and complex walls, adding rooms, and creating schedules. Finally, discover how to annotate your drawings so all the components are clearly understood, and learn how to output sheets to DWF, PDF, or AutoCAD.

Topics include

Touring the Revit 2017 interface
Selecting objects
Creating new Revit projects
Adding levels and grids
Modeling walls, doors, and windows
Using joins and constraints
Linking AutoCAD DWG files
Creating groups
Working with Revit links
Modeling floors, ceilings, and roofs
Adding stairs to a drawing
Creating complex walls such as curtain walls
Using view templates and custom views
Adding rooms
Creating schedules and schedule views
Annotating drawings
Creating new Revit families
Working with sheets
Plotting drawings


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